The Hurst-Euless-Bedford community knows that HEB ISD is the Metroplex's best-kept secret: a school district with consistently high academic performance achieved through responsible financial efficiency.
Students at HEB ISD schools have access to more opportunities than any individual school can provide. Every HEB ISD class is taught by a highly-qualified teacher.
From top to bottom, this school district is built on the concept of continuous improvement. We enable students to take responsibility for their own learning, preparing them to be successful adults.
You can read more about the Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD at www.hebisd.edu

Quick Facts
Values/Tax Rate
2024 Values = $21 billion
2024 Average taxable value of residences = $255,398
2024 Property tax rate = $0.9689
Operating budget = $233,320,072 million
Revenue sources: 56% Local / 35% State / 9% Other
86% of budget = Payroll
Student Enrollment/Growth
23,092 students (as of September 1, 2024)
Financial Performance
FIRST rating = Superior Achievement 22 years in a row
ASBO Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award 21 years in a row
GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting 21 years in a row
S&P + Fitch underlying/unenhanced credit rating = AA+ (very strong)
Enhanced credit rating = AAA (PSF Guarantee)
www.hebisd.edu > About > Financial Transparency
Our Schools
Elementary Schools - 21 (grades K-6)
State based pre-kindergarten offered at all campuses
Semester system with 6-week grading periods
Junior High Schools – 5 (grades 7-9)
Semester system with 6-week grading periods
High Schools – 2 (grades 10-12)
Trimester system with 6-week grading periods
Non-traditional campuses - 3
Alternative High School – KEYS High School
Buinger Career and Technical Education Academy
Our Students
Limited English Proficient: 21.01%
Bilingual: 3.77%
English as a Second Language: 16.65%
Economically Disadvantaged: 61.50%
Gifted & Talented: 7.60%
Special Education: 14.40%
Hispanic: 32.07%
Asian: 9.77%
Pacific Islander: 2.59%
African American: 21.36%
Native American: 0.28%
White: 27.46%
2+ Races: 6.52%
Languages: 65
Our Employees
Total Number of Employees: 2,932
Teachers: 1,645
Auxiliary/Support Staff: 527
Professional/Technology Support: 482
Campus Administrators: 74
Central Administrators: 56
Beginning Teacher Salary: $62,500
Average Teacher Experience: 12.9 years
Student Achievement
2024 National Merit Scholarship Program
Commended Students: 15​
Semifinalists: 5
Finalists: 4
2024 College Board National Recognition Programs
Hispanic Scholars: 35​
African American Scholars: 27
Indigenous Scholars: 3
2024 College Board AP Scholars: 747
Average SAT score: 972
Average ACT score: 24.5
2024 International Baccalaureate graduates: 129
Graduation rate: 96.9%
Unique HEB ISD Programs and Offerings
Tuition-Based Pre-K - Formerly known as "Core Knowledge Pre-K", this educational program is offered at Bedford Heights, Meadow Creek, Spring Garden, Trinity Lakes, and Viridian Elementary Schools
K-12 Strings Program - Suzuki Strings offered on select elementary campuses (grades K-6); Orchestra offered at Central Junior High and L.D. Bell High School
Spanish Language Immersion - Offered at Bedford Heights, Meadow Creek, and Viridian beginning in first grade
Elementary World Languages - Arabic and Mandarin offered at Viridian beginning in first grade
International Business Initiative - Arabic and Mandarin offered at Central Junior High beginning in seventh grade
International Baccalaureate - A world-class education offered at both L.D. Bell and Trinity High Schools
Career and Technical Education - State-of-the-art career and technical education offered at the Gene A. Buinger Career and Technical Education Academy
STEM Schools of Choice Program: Engineering and Robotics - Engages students in real world experiences to develop critical thinking skills, while blending science, technology, engineering, and math practices offered at Central Junior High
STEM Schools of Choice Program: Cybersecurity and Network Technology - Offered at Hurst Junior High
beginning in seventh grade -
STEM Schools of Choice Program: Computer Science - Offered at Euless Junior High beginning in seventh grade
Theater Schools of Choice Program - Offered at Bedford and Harwood Junior High beginning in seventh grade
Computer Science Schools of Choice Program - Offered at Harrison Lane and Midway Park in grades K-6
Advanced Spanish Schools of Choice Program - Offered at Bedford and Harwood Junior Highs beginning in seventh grade
District Awards and Recognition (non-financial)
International Baccalaureate diploma candidates per school average (65) is more than double the global average (30)
Best Communities for Music Education - Inclusion in this annual national list 17 times
#1 District in Texas for Academic Performance and Financial Efficiency as rated by the Education Resource Group for 13 of the last 14 years
Students earned more than 10,600 career and technical education certifications
73% of varsity athletics programs sent teams or individuals to post season
Fun Facts
44 sq. miles
127 buses traveled 1,318,784 miles
20,581 meals served daily = 3.62 million meals served annually, plus 227,527 snacks for Extended Day Academy.
*All information current as of Sep. 1, 2024 unless otherwise indicated